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Founder Music License Terms

The founder music license terms do not represent all licenses that are available. It is a reference for very general uses that do not include paid media, broadcast or advertising.

Please contact for custom licenses or pricing inquiries.

Wedding and Portrait License Guidelines:

Your use of the Music Recordings is subject to the restrictions that you chose during checkout on The definitions of each use are described below:

All Wedding and Portrait licenses must be used within the Wedding and Portrait Videography and Photography industry as a film/slideshow for a wedding/portrait client, or as a self-promo for a wedding/portrait filmmaker and/or photographer. If it is being used as a self promo, it must only promote the studio/person as a wedding/portrait filmmaker/photographer, and not as a commercial or professional filmmaker/photographer.

One Time (Single) Use

One Time Use intended for Streaming/Web on the internet and/or mobile phones (via browser or device). Includes all forms of web videos for placement anywhere on the web including YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, etc, as well as Streaming/Web for any web-enabled devices/phones/tablets. This license includes a perpetual right to stream the project with it’s specified media.

Allowable Uses for Portrait License

  1. Make one (1) copy, backup or archive of the Music Recordings.

  2. Use the Music Recordings in wedding videos or highlight videos, photography slideshows, short films, video illustrations and other wedding or portrait related films/slideshows.

  3. For Streaming/Web License - Host your videos on Vimeo, Youtube, your organization's website, and other User Generated Content Networks.

  4. Make up to 400 DVD’s that are not for sale.

Prohibited Uses for Portrait License

  1. You can not stream your video anywhere except Vimeo, Youtube, your organization's website, and other User Generated Content Networks.

  2. You can not use the Music Recordings in any project/media for resale.

  3. You can not duplicate the Music Recordings except to make a backup copy.

  4. You can not use in broadcast, corporate, or commercial projects.

  5. You can not use in any other industry other than wedding or portrait photography and videography.

  6. You can not use with inappropriate content such as but not limited to, pornography, drugs and alcohol, violence, or any content deemed appropriate for mature audiences only.

Non-Profit / 501c3 License Guidelines

Your use of the Music Recordings is subject to the restrictions that you chose during checkout on The definitions of each use are described below:


Internal One Time (Single) Use

Internal One Time Use intended for internal projects ONLY. Projects should be shown in presentations, shareholder meetings, trainings, etc for a single organization in an internal capacity. This license includes a perpetual right to show the project in its final form within the specified media. This license is also subject to the employee size and audience size chosen during checkout, and shown on your invoice.

Streaming/Web One Time (Single) Use

Streaming/Web One Time Use is intended for web sites or Streaming/Web sites, including as a design element on a corporate web site, promoting a single company, service or product. (DOES NOT INCLUDE PAID ADVERTISING or BROADCAST MEDIA) Includes all forms of web videos for placement anywhere on the web including YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, etc. , as well as Streaming/Web for web-enabled handheld devices/phones and tablets. This license includes a perpetual right to stream the project in its final form within the specified media. This license is subject to the employee size and audience size chosen during checkout, and shown on your invoice.

External One Time (Single) Use

External One Time Use intended for any non-broadcast medium targeting external or broad audience, e.g. sales giveaways, external presentations, leave behinds, in-store promo, trade show displays, promoting a single company, product or service. (DOES NOT INCLUDE PAID ADVERTISING or BROADCAST MEDIA) This license includes a perpetual right to show the project in its final form within the specified media. You may make up to 400 physical copies of the finished project Not For Resale. This license is also subject to the employee size and audience size chosen during checkout, and shown on your invoice.

Allowable Uses for Non-Profit Licenses

  1. Make one (1) copy, backup or archive of the Music Recordings.

  2. Use the Music Recordings according to the license that was chosen. Ie: Internal, or Internal and Streaming/Web Use.

  3. Use the Music Recordings in Training Videos, Conference/Gathering Media, Internal Displays, Church Media, and other Non-Profit related internal and/or external video projects.

  4. For Streaming/Web License - Host your videos on Vimeo, Youtube, your organization's website, and other User Generated Content Networks.

  5. Use on your media for promotional use on DVD’s that are NOT FOR RESALE.

Prohibited Uses for Non-Profit Licenses

  1. You can not stream your video anywhere except Vimeo, Youtube, your organization's website, and other User Generated Content Networks.

  2. You can not sell DVDs.

  3. You can not use the music in any product for resale.

  4. You can not duplicate or replicate the Music Recordings in any way other than to make one backup copy.

  5. You can not use in broadcast, corporate, or commercial projects.

  6. You can not use for web promotions/ads that involve paid media or advertising.

  7. You can not use in any other industry other than Non-Profit, Church or Ministry.

  8. You can not use with inappropriate content such as but not limited to, pornography, drugs and alcohol, violence, or any content deemed appropriate for mature audiences only.

  9. You can not use in/for political purposes.

Business Corporate Usage Guidelines

Your use of the Music Recordings is subject to the restrictions that you chose during checkout on The definitions of each use are described below:

Internal One Time (Single) Use

Internal One Time Use intended for internal projects ONLY. Projects should be shown in presentations, shareholder meetings, trainings, etc for a single organization in an internal capacity. This license includes a perpetual right to show the project in its final form within the specified media. This license is also subject to the employee size and audience size chosen during checkout, and shown on your invoice.

Streaming/Web One Time (Single) Use

Streaming/Web One Time Use is intended for web sites or Streaming/Web sites, including as a design element on a corporate web site, promoting a single company, service or product. (DOES NOT INCLUDE PAID ADVERTISING or BROADCAST MEDIA) Includes all forms of web videos for placement anywhere on the web including YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, etc. , as well as Streaming/Web for web-enabled handheld devices/phones and tablets. This license includes a perpetual right to stream the project in its final form within the specified media. This license is subject to the employee size and audience size chosen during checkout, and shown on your invoice.

External One Time (Single) Use

External One Time Use intended for any non-broadcast medium targeting external or broad audience, e.g. sales giveaways, external presentations, leave behinds, in-store promo, trade show displays, promoting a single company, product or service. (DOES NOT INCLUDE PAID ADVERTISING or BROADCAST MEDIA) This license includes a perpetual right to show the project in its final form within the specified media. You may make up to 400 physical copies of the finished project Not For Resale. This license is also subject to the employee size and audience size chosen during checkout, and shown on your invoice.

Allowable Uses For Commercial Videos

  1. Make up to 5 copies, and keep those copies of the Music Recordings.

  2. Use the Music Recordings according to the license that you chose at checkout. Ie: External, Internal, or Streaming/Web use only.

  3. For Streaming/Web License - Host your videos on Vimeo, Youtube, your organization's website, and other User Generated Content Networks.

  4. Use on your media for promotion on a DVD’s that you are NOT selling.

  5. Make as many as 400 copies of physical media. (DVD’s, CD’s, Flash Drives/Thumbdrives, etc.)

Prohibited Uses For Commercial Videos

  1. You can not stream your video anywhere except Vimeo, Youtube, your organization's website, and other User Generated Content Networks.

  2. You can not sell physical copies. (DVD’s, Flash Drives, CD’s, etc.)

  3. You can not use the music in templates or Music Recordings for resale.

  4. You can not generate revenue directly from videos via ad revenue, or online revenue generation tools.

  5. You can not duplicate or replicate the Music Recordings in any way other than to make backup copies.

  6. You can not use in broadcast, or paid advertising media.

  7. You can not make more than 400 copies of physical media. (DVD’s, CD’s, Flash Drives/Thumbdrives, etc.)

  8. You can not use in any other industry other than the one in which the license was purchased for.

  9. You can not use with inappropriate content such as but not limited to, pornography, drugs and alcohol, violence, or any content deemed appropriate for mature audiences only.

  10. You can not use for political purposes.

Independent Film Usage Guidelines

Your use of the Music Recordings is subject to the restrictions that you chose during checkout on, the definitions of the use are described below.

Film Festival: Web/Screening

This license is intended for any Independent Film Festival entry. This license includes a perpetual right to show the project in its final form within the specified media and territories. The license chosen must meet the budget of the film. This license DOES NOT include any sort of distribution.


  1. Make one copy, backup or archive the Music Recordings as necessary.

  2. Use the Music Recordings in Independent Film Festival Entries and Independent Film Trailers.

Prohibited Uses

  1. You can not use in any film that has received distribution. A custom license will be needed for distribution.

  2. You can not duplicate or replicate the Music Recordings in any way other than to make one backup copy.

  3. You can not use in broadcast, corporate, or commercial projects or any project that creates revenue.

  4. You can not use in any other medium other than Independent Films.

  5. You can not use with content deemed inappropriate, such as pornography, drugs and alcohol abuse, extreme violence, or any content deemed appropriate for mature audiences unless prior approval is received in writing by Licensor.

  6. You can not use for the promotion of political parties, agendas or purposes.

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